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Compile PLUMED

PLUMED 2.4 requires a compiler that supports C++11, and needs one of the following - gcc 4.8.1 (need to install GCC) - clang 3.3 - intel 15 (need to install Intel)

Intel alone does not fully support C++11 if the environment is without gcc 4.8 or newer. Installing an external GCC is a solution for this, but this may cause some errors when running Plumed due to cross-compiling.


  • Making lepton library faster --enable-asmjit

tar xvzf plumed2-2.5.2.tar.gz

download branch v2.5

git clone --branch=v2.5 plumed2-2.5.x cd plumed2-2.5.x git pull origin v2.5 # or git checkout v2.5

download branch with PYCV

git clone --branch v2.6-pycv-devel plumed2-2.6pycv cd plumed2-2.6pycv

download branch hack-the-tree

git clone --branch hack-the-tree plumed2-2.7htt cd plumed2-2.7htt git pull origin hack-the-tree

git pull origin master

or Clone a specific tag name using git clone:

git clone --branch= I. OMPI + Intel 1. USC1 module load mpi/openmpi4.0.2-Intel2019xe module load intel/mkl-2019xe

check: mpiicpc -v (intel C++) mpicxx --version ( gcc C++)

Notes: openMPI must be compile with gcc 4.8 or newer (load gcc/gcc-7.4.0 when compile openMPI)

Install PLUMED

(to compile with mpi-enable, need to use compiler: CXX=mpic++ CC=mpicc) chose modules to install: enable/disable modules: ./configure --enable-modules=+crystallization-colvar ./configure --enable-modules=all:-colvar-multicolvar BLAS and LAPACK Libs a. separate compile Blas & Lapack b. use Blas & Lapack from intel_mkl LIBS="-mkl" c. or use internal link: (blas & lapack is automatically built, need FORTRAN compiler) --disable-external-blas --disable-external-lapack \

VMD trajectory plugins

Configuring PLUMED

./configure --prefix=/uhome/p001cao/local/app/plumed2/2.6htt \ CXX=mpic++ LIBS="-mkl" \ --enable-openmp --enable-modules=all --enable-asmjit


./configure --prefix=/uhome/p001cao/local/app/plumed2/2.6 \ CXX=mpic++ --disable-external-blas --disable-external-lapack \ --enable-openmp --enable-modules=all --enable-asmjit

create Module file + test

prepend-path PATH $topdir/bin prepend-path PATH $topdir/bin prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $topdir/lib prepend-path INCLUDE $topdir/include prepend-path PKG_CONFIG_PATH $topdir/lib/pkgconfig # this is required in order to Lammps can found Plumed


module load plumed2/2.6.0 plumed help


module load mpi/ompi4.0.3-intel19u5 module load intel/compiler-xe19u5 module load intel/mkl-xe19u5 Configure

./configure CXX=mpic++ CC=mpicc LIBS="-mkl" \ --enable-openmp --enable-modules=all --enable-asmjit \ --prefix=/home1/p001cao/local/app/plumed2/2.7htt

make -j 8 make install II. Install PLUMED using lMPI-2019xe

1. USC 1:

(use this, bc compilers are available for all clusters) NOTE: intelMPI on eagle does not work, due to wrong path 1. Module load: module load intel/compiler-xe19u5 module load mpi/impi-xe19u5 module load intel/mkl-xe19u5 module load compiler/gcc/9.1.0 module load conda/py37

Configure ./configure CXX=mpiicpc CC=mpiicc LIBS="-mkl" \ --enable-openmp --enable-modules=all --enable-asmjit \ --prefix=/uhome/p001cao/local/app/plumed2/2.6httIMPI \


IV. Install PLUMED using openmpi-4.0.1 + GCC-7.4.0 (CAN) 1. Module load: module load mpi/openmpi4.0.1-gcc7.4.0 module load gcc/gcc-7.4.0

check: mpic++ --version ( gcc C++) 2. Install PLUMED unzip cd plumed2-hack-the-tree

Configuring PLUMED: ./configure --prefix=/home/thang/local/app/plumed2/2.6.0-gcc \ CXX=mpic++ --disable-external-blas --disable-external-lapack \ --enable-openmp --enable-modules=all


with Conda

Need create conda env and install ompi, see this

check MPI compiler: mpic++ --version

cd /home1/p001cao/local/wSourceCode
git clone  -b master    plumed  # hack-the-tree  master
cd plumed
git pull origin master
module load conda/py310lammps
export myCOMPILER=/home1/p001cao/local/app/miniconda3/envs/py310lammps
export PATH=${myCOMPILER}/bin:$PATH
export CC=mpicc  export CXX=mpic++  export FC=mpifort
export myPREFIX=/home1/p001cao/local/app/plumed2/ompi_conda_master

./configure --prefix=${myPREFIX} \
--enable-openmp --enable-modules=all --enable-asmjit \
--disable-external-blas --disable-external-lapack
make -j 16 && make install
see also
